5 Ways to Calm Your Mind with Nature

In our fast-paced and digitally connected world, finding moments of calm and tranquillity can seem like an elusive dream.

However, one of the most powerful sources of solace lies right outside our door: nature.

Whether it's a stroll through a park, a hike in the mountains, or simply sitting under a tree, immersing ourselves in nature can work wonders for our mental well-being.

Here are five simple ways to harness the calming power of nature:

  1. Forest Bathing (Shinrin-Yoku): Take a leisurely walk through a forested area, focusing on using all your senses to immerse yourself in the natural surroundings. Listen to the rustle of leaves, inhale the earthy scent of the forest, and feel the texture of tree bark beneath your fingertips. Studies have shown that forest bathing can reduce stress hormones and promote a sense of relaxation.

  2. Mindful Observation: Find a quiet spot in nature or your backyard and spend some time simply observing your surroundings. Notice the colours, shapes, and textures of the plants and wildlife around you. Pay attention to the sounds of birdsong or the gentle rustle of leaves in the breeze. Engaging in mindful observation can help quiet the mind and bring a sense of peace and presence.

  3. Nature Sounds: Sometimes, all it takes to calm the mind is the soothing sound of nature. Find a recording of rain falling, waves crashing, or birds chirping, and take a few moments to listen with your eyes closed. Alternatively, you can seek out these sounds in person by visiting a nearby beach, river, or park.

  4. Grounding Exercises: Connect with the earth beneath your feet by practicing grounding exercises outdoors. Take off your shoes and socks and feel the grass, sand, or soil beneath your feet. Imagine roots extending from your body into the earth, anchoring you to the ground and providing stability and support.

  5. Nature Meditation: Find a comfortable spot outdoors where you won't be disturbed, and settle into a relaxed posture. Close your eyes and focus on your breath, allowing yourself to be fully present in the natural environment. As thoughts arise, gently acknowledge them and return your attention to the sensations of nature around you.

Incorporating these simple practices into your daily routine can help you tap into the restorative power of nature and cultivate a greater sense of calm and balance in your life.

So next time you're feeling stressed or overwhelmed, step outside and let nature work its magic on your mind.

Guided Forest Therapy for Maximum Benefits

Experience deeper healing and growth with our guided forest therapy sessions. Certified guides can guide you through the therapeutic process of connecting with nature. 

Written by Danusia Bialowas, Forest Therapy Guide

Click to see the Forest Therapy Events we have going on in Leduc County, Alberta

Kayla Huszar

I believe that women are not given the tools to succeed in parenting. Constantly striving for an unattainable standard leaves mothers feeling inadequate and overwhelmed.

Through the use of creative arts, there is a beautiful moment of sacred stillness. A simple act of intentional creativity can remind a mother of who she is, what is truly important, and what she is capable of.

I aim to provide the best creative arts services both online and in person, because every mother deserves a simple and effective outlet for finding chill, being vibrant and feeling alive.


Meet Kate Dane, practicum therapist


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